Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

'On poo? Man famítp 161 S. Qell. I V. How rntafi Idofor Grace and ílrength to kEep my Covenantwhen Ihave wade it ? P. (p) Ofyour felf you can do nothing that is good `(Our heart is ío corrupted with fin till it' be fans i- fied, that you willnot be willing ; and your mind fè9 hind that you will not well underfland your duty nor your in:ere l ; and your foul fo, Dead and Impotent, that you will have no Lye or f réngth to pralife what you know. But if the (q) Sprit of Chrift do once give you Faith and Repentance and Confent, by this you have right to Hint as an Indwelling Principle and you are then entred into Covenant Relation a to the Holy Ghoft. And that which he will do in you is to fandifie your three faculties. r. Your Vital Power, with fpiritual (r) L I F E, Ilrength and Aftivity. 2. Your Vnderftandin- with fpiri,tual L I G H T, that is, Knowledge and Faith. 3, Your Well, with Holy LOVE ándwillirignefs. And when he bath planted thefe in you he will be ready Rill to pre- f rye, excite, alt+nte and increafe them. So that it is the. Holy Ghoft that muff: be your Life, Light and .Love. But you mull know how obey his motions¡ andnot refift him; S. Quell. V. What muf I do to get, kgep onc>i obeythe Spirit, that I lofe itnot, and tr;afs n.t oftl-efA benefits ? F. You mull know that God bath firfl pofl'effed Chrifts humane Glorified nature with the S2irit, that (P)Ych. z 5.5 (%) Rom84)9. (r) Ephef. 4. T,2, 3, i.i8,z9.A.,i.,24.t8,Romo5.3,415s6'zo.,2Tame r.7. M ttq