64. Z%ePpa? Mano fasníip '113oail I L The motions of the . Spirit are I . Alwayes fitted toGod and Holinefs as theend. z. And alwayes actuate the three aforefaid Habits, of Holy Life, Light, and Love. 3. And they are alwayes agreeable to the Holy Scriptures : And by themmutt be tried. S. What is the r°Z'afon ofthat ? 1. Becaufe God giveth the (x) fame Spirit in- deed, but not in thefiamemeafure to all. Now to the Apoftles and Evangeiifts he gave it in the greateft ex- traordinary degree purpofely to plant his Churches,and to indite an Infallible Scripture, the Records of that Gofpe!, and to confirm it by Miracles, and leave it to the world, as the Rule of our Faith and 'life : So that as a man firft engraveth a foal and then lets it on the wax ; fo the Holy Ghoft firft infpired the Apoftles to writeus]the Infallible word and Rule. And then he is given o all others in a fmaller degree, only (y) to help us to underftand, believe and obey that word. Therefore the lower operations of the Spirit in us, are tobe tryed by the higher operations in the Apoftles re- corded. S. Qneít, V I L What then is the Law and Rule that Imuff live by, according to the Covenant that I ä3á.s. ? P. r. God is the ` ,nverfal King, and Chrifl our Redeemer as man, his Adtniniflrator. Gods Law is written as I told you, t. In Nature, 2. In Scripture, Where alto the Lawof Nature is contained, in the main. Ibis is Gods Law which youmuff live by. (x) I COY. I2.ÌÌ,i2';1'y i'C. Eph3.3a4,799, T1, 137 75116. .1ildt,z320. ',1y) 2 rim. 3. 16. óhn 16. 13. 2. But