1.7 2 ttie Poo? ¡patio ifmap 'Zook. whether God or the Devil be your owner, and the bet- ter friend and mater ? and whether Heaven or Hell be the better dwelling ? and whether fin or Holinefs be the better life ? andwhether you fhould confent that Chriff and his fpirit faveyou from your fins or not ? Have you fo long taken on youto be a Chriftian ? and are you yet unrefolvedwhether it be belt be a Chriftian iiideed,ornot ? Certainly you have had leifure enough , and Reafons enough fet before you,to have (o) refolved you long ago. Till you firmly refolve, youare not a Chriftian and Convert indeed. If you did well know what a cafe youRand in till you are Refolved, and what a fcorn and indignity youput uponyour God and Savi- our and Heaven, to make a queftion of it whether the filth of fin, and the dreaming profits and pleafures of this world, be not better than they, and whether your Redeemer after all his love fhould be preferred before a &.efhly loft, you would fear and blufh, to make fuch a queftion any more. S. But I have been ufed fo long to a loofer life, that am afraid '(hall be a weary of a filriël, Reliiiowi, Godly courfe, and(hall never be able to hold out. P. I tell you again, that if you think of the life that you muff turn to, as a tedious, melancholy, grievous flare, you knòw it not ; and lire not well informed iuhat it is that you have to do. It is the only honourable, the onlyprofitable, the only fate and the only pleafwnt life in the world, as to manly pleafure. I will give you but a tulle of it in fome particulars. a. You muff indeed (p) Repent of finwith (Fame (o) 7oJ"a24:15.I Cor.I5.5$ (p) Ld;g 13.3 5., 15' throughout. L Co-r: t t= and