Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

' c o ano mill) )564. 17' confeffed their Killing of Chrift, by being pricked at heart, and crying our for help when it was charged on them. Ad. 19. 18. The Converts corifeffed their finful deeds, and publickly teflified it to their cofte ram, 5. t6.Confers your faults one to another, Prov: 28. 13, Who foconfelfeth and forfaketh them (hall have mercy.. See further, Lev. 5.5 . 16. 21. 26. 4.o.Nurnb.56 7. Neb. 1.5. 1 ,doh. 1.9. Ezra 1o. i i. Neb. 9. 2, 3 ;folh.7.19.2 Chron.3o. 22. 2. You werepublicklybaptized, and you have openly finned againft that Covenant, therefore if you will be openly taken for a Penitent into Church-Communion, you muft openly profefs Repentance. Unlefs you would have us take all Impenitentper /ons to Communion. 3. You are obliged to be more tender of (f) Gods honour, than of your own : And therefore to honour him publickly as you have publickly difhonoured him, and Rick at nothing that tendeth to his Glory, as this will do. 4. You are bound to caft the greateff fhame that you ti can on fin : It is the fhatneful `thing that hath deceived and defiledyou : Ifyou havefet it upabove God, and now refute to caft it down, by open fh ame, how do you repent of it ? 5. You owe all poffible (t) help to others, to fave them from the finwhich bath deceived you. You have encouragd men to fin, and for ought younow fome of jhemmaybe in Hell for ever, for that which you have drawn them to I And thould you not do your belt now to fave the reff, and to undoe the hurt that you have (f) Paulfrequently confeffeth hi frnfullif 215.T'it3.3a4,5.I 7im.z.I31,4,15. LOS22.32. N done?