178 (tECIR Pow anofamíïp done ? See therefore that you tell themwithdeep Repe n- tance, how fin deceived you, and warn them and befeech the to take warningby you, and to Repent with yoti as they finnedwith you. Your companions that are not there may hear of this and be convinced. 6. You owe this to the Church and (u)godly Chriffi ans, that they may rejoice in your Converfion, and may fee that you are indeeda due objeâ of their fpecial love. 7. You owe this to your Pelf, r. That you may re- move your publick fhame, and have thecomfort of Chri- ftians fpecial Love : As Godcannot delight in an Impeni- tent fnner,no more íhould his fervants. 2. That your Confcience mayhave the comfort that your Repentance isfincere ; which it will be juftly ííi11 doubting of, if you cannot repent at as dear a rate as open Confeffion. How will you forfake all anddie for Chrift, ifyou cannot fo fardeny your pride as to confefs your fin ? 8. Laftly, You owe this tome, that the Church may not take me for a polluter of its Communion by admit- ting theImpenitent thereto. S. Tou have fail mare than ever Iheardof this,and itfullyfatisfyeth me : But would you have all that are Converted andRepent do thug ? P. Some have lived with force kind of Religioufnefs from their Childhood,thoughwith many ordinary fins ; and have by undifcerned degrees grown up unto true Godlinefs : Thefe are uncertain when they firft had fpecial grace, and were not open fcandalous Violators of their Baptifmal Vow : And therefore I can lay no filch injunc`fion on them. But I would have all do thus, that have thus broken (u)jam. 5.15, d.s, tl.at