Vr jE loo ' anz JFami p Riok. 179, that Vow, and are Converted afterward to true Repen- tance ; For all the reafons which Inow mentioned : And the Univerfal Church hath ever been for fuch publick Repentance in Inch a cafe yea and for particular grofs lapfes afterward. And the Papifts to this day call it The Sacrament ofPenance ; though they corrupt it by Auricular Confeffion when it fhould be open; and by ma. nyunwarrantable adjunfts and formalities. S. What wouldyou have me doafter that ? P. I will record your name in the Churchbooh,among the Church- Communicants : And we will all pray for your Confirmation and Perfeverance ; and you muff live as a member of the Holy Catholick Church of Chrif , in the Communion of Saints and return no more to your ungodly finful life: And ; come to me again, and 3i (hall give youfurther Counfel. In themean time you may do as the Converted Eunuch did (the Lord Trea furer of the Queen ofc -hiopia) A4.8. 3 9. ever: go on your wayrejoycing in this, that you are united to Chriff¢' and are juf}ified from all your former fins, and are fin- cerely entred into the Covenant and Familyof God, and are made a (x) fellowCitizen with the Saints, and an heir ofcertain endlefsGlory. (x)Eph.z.i9. Rosta.8.16,17,18,m32.