OR Poo; Manz ;Famfip Zook. 18 of my life in wichednefs, and in wronging . God who gave me life. afhamed that ever juch trifles and fooleries pofeft my he=lrt, and kept mefo long from a holy life ! And that 1delayed after I was convinced ! I could waft] frommy very heart that lhad (pent all that time of my life, in beggery, flavery or a rail, which Ifpent in a fie(hiy fnful courfe. O had I not now a merciful God, a fufficient Saviour, a pardoning Co venant of Grace, and a comforting Sanllifáer, which way fhouldI lookor what fhould I do? It amazeth me tothink,what a dangerou flate1 fo long lived in ! O what if God had cut offal life, and taken away my unfanllificdfoul ? What would have become of me for ever ? O that Ihadfgoner turned to' my God ! Andfooner call away my fns ; andfooner tryed a holy life ! Tut myfoul doth magnifie the Lord, and my Spirit doth re- joyce in Godmy Saviour, that he bath pitied a felf deflroying fanner, and at lafl hàs mercy hath (b) abounded where myfin dida1'ound! P. it is but little of his Goodnc is, which as yet you have tafted of, in Comparifon of you muff find at laft. But that youmayyet make f, ;:f. work, T fhall fpend this dayes conference in acquainting you what Tempta- tions you have yet to overcome,and what dangers to ef- cape:For yet you have but begun your race and warfare. S. Tour Counfil bath hitherto been fo good, that I pallgladly hear the refl. P. 1. The firft Temptation that you are like to meet with, is, Afeenning (c) difficultyandpuzzling darkncfs in all or many ofthe DoElrines and Praaiccs of Godli (b) R01,1.5.12,1 3. to theend. (c) yam 6.6o. Heb. 5` T I,,1 z , 2 Pet. 3.16. ld 3 nefs