ceitednefs to cavil againfi: what you do not underHand.' This is the chief thing in which Converfion maketh us like little Children, Matth. I 8.3. Children are con– fcious of their Ignorance, and are Teachable, and fer not their wits againft their Teachers : till they groYI' towards twenty years of age, and then they grow wife · in cheir own Conceits,. and begin to think that their Tutors are mifiaken, and to fer their wits againft the truth which they fhould receive. But of this more anon. I I. The fecond Temptation will be, upon thefe difficulties and your miflakes in Religion, to grow fo perplexed as to be ov~rwhelmedwith 'Doubts and Fe;.rs, and (o to turn 0Yelancholy, and ready to defPair. ' The Devil will firive to lofe ~ou and bewilder you in fome mifiakes ; Or to make you think that youl;' Con– verfion was not true, becaufe you had no more bro.. kennefs ofhearr for fin ; or becaufe you know not juft the timewhen you were Convened: Or hewjll make you think that all Religion lierh in fl:riving toweep and br~alz.,your he11rt more; Or that you have no grace be– caufe you have not fuch a fi,vely fenfe of things invifi– bie, as you have of the things that are feen : Or he will rell you that now you muft not think.. nor tallz.. of the world, but all your thoughts and talk._ muft be of God and his word and holy things ; and that all other is idie thoughts and talk : And that you mufl: tie your felfto longer tasks of Meditation and Prayer than you have rime and ftrength to carry on. S. Sir, 1' ott m11k§me admire to hear you! Can foch motionsofholinefs corr.e frcm the Devil? If I did not k.!zow you, I JhottfdfuJPcU fome Carnal malignity again ft h()/inefs in yourJPachcs! N4 P.Did