Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

-184 EIR PoN l anofamtip "Boa. P. Did not theDevil plead Scripture with Chrift in his temptations ? <blatth.4. And doth he not (d) tranf- formhimfelfinto an Angel of light to deceive ? When he cannot keep you in fecurity arid prophanenefs, he will put on a vizor of Godlinefs : And when ever the Devil will feem Religious and Righteous, he will be Religious and Righteous over-much ? S. What gettethhe by th, ? Would he make us more eligioáss ? P. You little know what he hopeth to get by it. overdoing is undoing all: He would deftroy all your Religion by it. If you run your Horfe till you tire him or breakhis wind, is not that the way to lofe your journey ? Nothing over-violent is durable. Ifa Scholar Rudy fo hard as to crack his brains, he will never be a good Scholar or wife-Man, till he is cured. Our fouls here are united to our bodies, and mull go on that pace that the body can endure. ifSatan can tempt you, into longer and deeper mufing (efpecially on the fadder Obje&s in Religion) than your body and brain can bear, you will growMelancholy before you are aware, and thenyou little know how ill a gueft you have en- tertained. For when once you are melancholy, you will be difabled then from fecret prayer and from Meditating at all : It will but confound you : You cannot bear it And fo by over-doing, you will come to do nothing of that fort of duty. And you will then have none but dither Fanatiçk whimsies and visions and prophecyings, relfe (more ufually) fad defpairing thoughts in your mind All that you hear and read and fee, ycu will (d)2Cor.11.14,15ö