Ma Poo? 9ano famtíp 'Boat 18 5 think maketh againft you : You will believe nothing that foundeth comfortably to you : You can think none but black and hideous thoughts.The Devil will tell you ahundred times over, that you are an Hypocrite and unfanctified, and all that ever you did was in Hypocrifie,. and that noneofyour fins are yet forgiven ; And that you {hall as lurebe in Hell as if you were there already that God is your enemy; that Chrift is no Saviour for you : that you have finned againft the Holy Ghoft; or that the day of Grace is part ; that the Spirit is de- parted, and God bath forfaken you : that it's now too late, too late to repent and find mercy ; and that youare undone for ever. Thefe black thoughts will be like a beginning ofHell to you. And it is not your felf only that will be the fufferer by this ; but many of the ignorant and wicked will by feeing you, be hardened into a love of fecurity and fenfuality, and will fly from Religion as a frightfull thing, which doth not illuminate men, but make them mad, or call them into defperation. And fo Satan will ufe you, as force Papifts have drawn the Piaure of a Proteftant, like a Devil, or an Afs, to affright men., from Religion ; Or as we fet up maukins to frighten birds from the Corn : As if lie had written on your back for all to read [See what you muff come to, if you will be Religious.] S. You defcribe to mefo fad a cafe, as almot makes me e 2Welancholy to hear it, and it tempts me to be afraid ofReligion it felf, if it tend to this: But what would you have medo to efcape it ? P. Religion it felf as God commandeth it, tendeth not to this. It is a life of holy faith, and hope and joy : But it is errours about Religion that tend to . it. And efpecially when any great Crofs or dìíappointment in