Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

186 trig JoogManz jatnílp hook. in the world,becometh an advantage to the Tempter to cart you into worldly difcontents and Fares, and trouble and perplexityofmind : This is the molt ufual beginner of melancholy ; and then it turneth to Reli- gious troubleafterward. And I the rather tell youof it now; becaufe you are capable through Gods mercy, of preventing it : But it is a difeafe which when it feizeth on you, will difable you to Thinkor Believe or Do, any thing that much tendeth to your cure : Words are ufually in vain : It overcometh the freedom of the will. The prevention is this : i. Set not too much by any thing in the world : that fo the lofing of it may not be able to reach your heart. Take the world as nothing, and it can do nothing with you. Take it for dung, and the lofs ofit will not troubleyou. 2. Keep true apprehenlions of the Nature of Reli- gion : that it lieth in Faith, Hopeand Love, in e) Righteoufnef, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghofl ; in the. fore-thoughtsof everlafting Glory, and in comforting your Pelfand one another, with remembring that you flall for ever be with the Lord ; in thankfgiving to your bountiful God, and in his joyful Praifes : Let thefebe your thoughts , your fpeeches, your exercifes, publickly andfecretly : Set your Pelf more to the daily exercife ofDivinepraifes and thankgiving, to aftuate Love and ,joy, than to any other part of duty. Not that you have done Repenting ; but that thefe are the chief, the life, the top, the endófall the reif. 3. When you feel any fcruples or troubles begin to feize uponyou, open them prelently to a judicious Mi- (e)Röm.14.17.1 Cvr. 1; ,lafd 13.1 T'hef.4.17,18. nif}er