IChe;pornMano famíípZoott. 187 stiffer or Friend, before they fatten and take rooting in you. Remember and obferve thefe things. I II. A third Temptation that will affault you will be to be in continual Doubt ofyour own fincerity : fo that though you be not e Welancholy before, Satan would bring you to ir, by a life of continual doubts and fears. And here he hath very great advantage : Becaufe mans heart is fo dark and deceitful And becaufe our grace is ufually very little and weak : and a little is hardly difcerned from none:And becaufe that the greateít affurance of fincerity, is a work that requireth much skill, great diligence and clear helps. S. Ieafly believe that this will be my cafe : Ifeel fame beginningsofit already : Rut what would you advife me to do to repent it ? P. I havewritten a fmall Book on this point alone, called The Right methodfor Peace of Confcience, &c. to which I muft refer you ; But briefly now I fay : t. You moil fill keep byyou in writing theBaptijmal Covenant of Grace, with the Explication of it which I gave you ; and never miftake the Nature of that Co- venant andof true Religion : And on all occafions' of doubting Renew your part, that is, your Confent ; And go no further for Marks of Godlinefs and true Converfion, if you can truly fay, that you fill Con- fent to thatfame Covenant : For this is your Faith and Repentance, and your certain evidence of your Right to the benefits of Gods part. Find fill your true Cony. (ent, and never doubt of your fincerity. 2 But becaufe be that confenteth toLearn wilaLearn,_ anj