anofamítpZaok. and he that (f) confenteth to obey will obey; Your Life muff alío teftifie the truth of your Confent. Therefore inflead of over-tedious trying and fearing whether you truly confent and obey or not, fet your felf heartily to your duty ; ftudy to pleafe God, and to live fruitfully in good works : refolve more againft thole fins which make you queftion your fincerity : And the prac`fice of a Godly life, and the increafe of your grace, will be a confiant difcernible evidence, and you will have the witnels in your felf that you are a Sonof God. S. I thankyoufor this fhort andfull direí`lion. Ipray goonto the next t_mptation. P. I V. If you efcape thefe fadder thoughts, Satan will tempt you tofecurity, and tell you that now you are Converted, all is fare, and you never need to fear any more : Thole that have true grace can never lofe it ; and fins once pardoned are never unpàrdoned again ; and therefore now all your danger is parr. And fhe can thus take off all your fear and care, he will quickly take off your zeal and diligence. S. Why ! Is not all myfear and danger pail' ? P. No : not as long as you are on earth : Tormenting fear you mutt refïft ; But Preventing (g) fear, and Repenting fear will be fill your duty : You are but entered into the holy War. You have many a tem- ptationyet to refi#f, and conquer : Temptations from Satan and from men, and from your flelh : Templa_ 7am.2.14,(;c. .3013 1,,32, 33. (g) Hcb. 4. I.d- 12.122. rions