Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

1 C pm? anz family 189 tions ofprofperity and adverfity. You have conftant and various duties to perform, which require flrength and skill and willingnefs. You have remaining corru- ptions yet to mortifie, which will be firiving to break out again and to undoe you.You know not how many burdens you have to bear, where flefh and heart and friends may fail you. I tell you all the reff of your life muff be the pradiceof what you have promifed in your Covenant; A Labour, a Race, a Warfare : And you muff defend your felfwithone hand, as it were, while you build with theother : And all the way to Heaven, muff flep by ftep, be carried on by Labour and Vicitory conjund. Will you reward a man meerly for Promifing to ferve you ? Will you excufe a Souldier from fight- ing andwatching, becaufe he is lifted ( and engaged to do it ?) Thetwo firft Articles of Religion are, that God is, and that he is (h) the Rewarder of them that dili- gentlyfeek,him. If you receive the unmoveable King- dom, you muff (i) ferve God acceptably witb reve- rence and Godly fear, as knowing that Our God is a Confumingfire. And though it be God that giveth you to will and to do, you muff (k) work out your Sal- vation with fear and trembling. You muff be (1) ffed- faft, unmoveable, alwayes abounding in the work of the Lord,as knowing that your labour isnot in vain in theLord. You muff fight a good fight, and finifh your courfe, and love the appearing of Jefus Chrift, if you will expel the Crown of Righteoufnefs. You mutt overcome if you will inherit, and be (m) faithful to the death ifyou will receive the Crown of life. Do you (h) Heb. a a.6. (i) Fíeb,. i z.28,29= (k) Phil.2. a 2, z 3. (1) I Car. 15 . 58 . i `T'im. .8. (m) Rev.z ,, 3 think