Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

190 fepe !No? . I. ano familpZook. think that you come into Chrifts Army, Vine-yard and Family to be carelefs ? S. But ifI cannotfallfromgrace nor be unjuftifaed, though therebe duty, there is no danger, nor caufe for fear. P. Controverfies ofthat kindare not yet fit for your head ; much lefs to build fecurity upon : It is certain that Gods grace will not forfake you, ifyou (n) for - fake it not firft : And it is certain that none of his elect (hall fall away and perifh. But it is certain that e.Idam loft true grace ; and that fuch Apoftafie may be not only poffible, but too too eafie in it felf, which yet fhall never come topaf'. The Church of Chrift lived in joy and.peace without medling much with that Controver- fie, till Pelagius andAuguflin'sdifputations : And A,s_ guflin'sopinión was that all the deft perfevere, but not all that are truly fanetified and love God. But this is enough to the prefent cafe; that as you have no caufe todiftruft God, fo it is certain that God doth not de- cree to fave men without danger, but to fave them from danger ; And that your fear and care to efcape that danger (offin and mifery) is the means decreed and commanded for your efcape ; And that God hath no furelier decreed that you fhall efcape, than he bath decreed thatyou (hall fear it,and fo efcape by rational care (excepting fome unknown dangers which he puts by : ) Heb. 4.1. Let us therefore fear, left a promife being left ofentring into his reft, any of you fhould feem to comePort of it. The fummofall is inftanced in Heb. 11.7. By faith Noah being warned of God of things (n) Jof.24.2G,40.i Chron.2$.9.& 15.2.jfa.I.2$.eY. 17 13. (,/fl at.24..24..Rom.$. 22)29,3e° 8f#