ete Poo? vi anz facnílpZook. 191 not feen asyet, moved with fear prepared an Ark, to the Paving of his houfe, by which he condemned the world, andbecameheir of their righteoufnefs which is byfaith. Go on therefore with faith and hope and joy; But thinknot that all the danger is paft, till you are in Heaven. V. The molt dangerous Temptation of all will be, the ltirring up the remnants of your own Corruption, offenfuality and Pride and Covetoufnef, to draw you back to your former pleafant fins ; efpecially by Ap- petite and FlefhlyLuft. i. Ifyoube addicted to your Appetite, though you be poor, you will not want a bait : Efpecially to ex- cels of drinking. And the Tempter will tell you that becaufe youfare hardly and have fmall drink at home you may lawfully comfort your heart with a cup of ex- traordinary abroad. And fo from onecup to two, and fo to three, you (hall be temptedon, till your Appe- tite become your Malter, and your Love to the drink dothbecome fo firong, that you cannot eafily refrain it. S. God forbid that ever 1 fhould again become a fwine .' P. Ifyou fhould but once beovertaken with this fin you are in great danger of committing it again, and again : For the Remembrance of the pieafure in your fantalie will be a continual temptation to you; And when Satan hath deceived any man into fin, ufually God leaveth that man proportionably to his power, and be gets that advantage, of which he is very hardly difpof eft : As he ruleth by deceiving, fo where he hath deceived once, he bath double advantage to deceive again. And