Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

too ? fiano famutp rook. 3 that have,been with you. 4nd now I am ready to re- ceiveyour inflruEfion. P. But I have this one requeff to you before we be- gin, that we may doall with Reverence as in the pre- fenceof God, and beg his Blejfing ; and that you will notbe offended with me, if I (peak freely, and come clofe to you; as longas you know that I have no ends of my own, but only in Love to feelt the falvation of your foul : And it is nòtflartery that will cure difeafes, or fave Souls, S. Iconfefmans nature loveth not to be fhamed or galledor troubled ; But yet, God forbid that I fhould be offended with you, for feek,ing my own good For I know you . are wirer than I, and know by your Life andLabour that it is nothing but all our falvation% that youfeek ,. P. I pray you (b) tell me, what cafe do you take your foul to be in for another world ? and what do you think would become of you if you fhould' die this day ? S. God knows what he will do with us all, I know not :'But we mußhope the bell, and put our trufl in the mercy ofGod. P, No doubt but God knows; Brit do you think that we may not (c) know our lelves ? May not a man know certainly whether he (hall be faved or not ? S. 1 think, not we can but hoe well, but not be fore. For who can tell thefecretsofGod ? P. Cannot a man know it, ifGod fhould tell him ? S. 211: But God tells no bodyhis mind. (b) I Pet. 3.15. (c) 2Cor. 13.5, B 2, 7. Do