Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

AmmEnime 1.92 etlePno? MitnO amíCpZook. And then I will foretell you, besides the danger of damnation, and theodious ingratitude to your Saviour , &c. you will live in a kind of Hell on Earth: The Devil and the fiefh will draw you one way, and Gods Spirit and your Confcience will draw you another way. The terrours ofGod will be upon you, and no fooner will the pleafure ofyour fin be over, but Confcience will be Gods executioner upon you, and force fparks of Hell will fall upon it : fo that you will think that the Devil is ready to fetch you. Unlefs you fin your Pelf into flupidity, and then you are undone for ever. S. Ipray you tell me how toprevent f ach a mifery. P. Be nor confident of your own ftrength : Keep 'awayfrom the Tavern and Ale..houfe : Come not within the doors,except in cafes oftrue necefiity : Keep out of the companyof Tiplers and Drunkards. Let not the (o) tempting Cup be in your fight : Or ifyou be un- willingly cart upon temptation, let holy fear renew yourRefolution. And fo as to the Cafe offlefhlylaifts ; If your bodily temper be addifted to it, as you love your foul, keep at a fufficient dillance from the bait. If you feel your fancie begin tobe infe6ted towards any perfon, whofe comelinefs enticeth you, be fure that younever be with them alone without neceflity, and that you never be guilty ofany immodeft looks or touch or words ; But keepat fuch a diftance that it may be almoft impofjible for you to fin. You little know what you have done , when youhave firft broken thebounds of modefty : You have fet open the door of your fantafieto the Devil ; fo that he can almoft at his pleafure ever after, re-, (9)11140.6.13.1110.26.4.1. Lul¿,e $. 13Á prefent