Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

eDepoi)? Manz famátpTok. 193 prefent the fame fulfill pleafure to you anew : He bath now accefs to your phantafie to ftir up (p) luftful thoughts and delires : So that when you fhould:think of your calling, or of your God or of your foul, your thoughts will be worfe than fwinifh, upon the filth that is not fit to be named: If the Devil here get in a foot, he will not eafilybe got our. And ifyou lhould be once guilty of fornication, it will firft ftrongly tempt you to it again, and the Devil will fay, If once may be pardoned, why not twice ? and if twice, why not thrice ? And next,the flames of Hell will be hotter in your Confcience, than the 'flames of luft were in your flefh : And if God do not give you up to hardnefs of he1art,and utterly (q) forfakeyou, youwill have no refb till you return from fin to God Which if you be fa happy as to do, you little think how dear it may colt you : what terrours t what (r) heart breaking and perhaps, a fad and difconfolate life even to your death. Andyou will not fuller alone : O what a grief will it be to all the Godly, that know or hex: of you ? What a reproach to Religion ? What a hardning to the wicked, to make them hate Religion, to their damnation ? The malignant will truaaph, and fay, No doubt, they are all alike : Thefe are your Puritans , Your Precifians your holy Brethren ! And if you thus wound Religion, God will woundyour Confcience and reputation at the leaft. S. Toumake me tremble to hear o f fach a horridState And the rather becaufe,to confefs the truth to you, my Nature is not withoutfome Luflful inclinations : 1 in-, (p) 7am.1.1 3,14. (q) r rhe/.3.7. (r)1?,, fa1.5 t. O treat