I 94 teri)C r° 0O? fflflrio f8t4D1itp 'Zook. treat you therefore to tell me how to fubdue and mortifie them, andprevent fuchfin ? P. You are married already : and therefore' I need not advife you to that lawful remedy : But I charge you to take heed of all parr/4s and fancies which would make your own wife diftaftful to you. 2. And above all be lure that you be not idle in mind or body l You that are a poor labourer, are in tenfold lefs danger than rich men and Gentlemen are. When a man is idle, the Devil findeth hire at leifure for filthy thoughts, and irnmodeft dalliance : But if youwill labour hard inyour calling frommorning to night, fo that your bufinefs may neceffarily take upyour thoughts, and alío weary and employ your body, you will neither have etind of ítithi- nefs, nor Time for dalliance. 3. And be Lure that you fare hard for .Quantity and .Quality : The fire of tuft will go out, if it be not fed with Idlenefs,fulnefs and pride. Gluttons and.Drunkards are Bill laying in fuel for filthy lufts. And great luflful inclinations, mull have great failing. And Phyfickanddyet will do much (as eating much coldherbs, and drinking cold water.) But to have a body ftill irnployed in bufinefs and labour, and a mind never idle, but ("till taken up with your calling, or with God, together with a fpare dyet, is the fumm of the cure : with keeping far enough from the baits, and calling out filthy thoughts before they faften in the mind. The flory is commonly reported of a Lord - Keeper in our titre, whonearIflin-ton as he pafTed by, law a man that had newly hang'd himfelf ;. and caufing him to becut down, recovered him to health. And upon examination found that he hang'd himf Jf for Love (as Lug is called.) He fent him to Bridewell, and .gave order ti at his labour fhould be hard and his ufagefevere: Till