Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

Cie Poo? .'' anz . aînfíp 73oo x Till at Taft the man being Cured of Love, came and thankt him for the healing of his foul, as well as for the laving of his life. Youwill be tempted alto to Pride and ee4mbition, to feek preferment and domination over others ; and to d worldly mind, to.thirft after (f) Riches and great matters for your Pelf and your Children after you in the world. And this Pride and Worldlinefs are the molt mortal fins ofall the reft : as poffeffîng the very heart or Love, which is the feat that God referveth for him- felt? But againft thefe you muff have daily inftruetions in the publick Miniftry. I will now fay no more to youbut this : That he that thinketh on the grave, and what mans fieih muff fhortly turn to, and of the brevi` ty of this life, which every hour expeeeth its end ; and thinketh how dreadful a thing it will be) for a foul to appear in the guilt of Pride or Worldlinefs before the holy God ; one would think fhould ea(ïly deteft thefe fins ; and (t) ufe the world as if he ufed it not. S. ProceedIpray you to the other Temptations. P. V T. The Controverfies and differences which youwill hear about Religion, and the many Sees and parties and divifions which you will meet with, toge- ther with their fpeeches and ufage of one another, will be a great Temptation to you. I. InDoerinals, youwill hear force on one fide and force on the other, hotly contending about Predefti- nation, and Providence and Univerfal Redemption, (r) i Tí..6.9, z o LklZ, 22. (t) z Cor. 7a29, 3 0, 3 r. C) 2 and