Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

9 6 It 1e Pain :ran 1 a It p 'Zook. 4nd Free will, and mans Merits, and in what fence Chrifts Righteoufnefs is Imputed to us, and about Ju. iification, and the Law, and the Covenants of works and ofgrace ; and of the nature of Faith, and Repen- tance ; of ;aífurance of Salvation, and whether :any fall away from grace, with many fuch like. I L in matters of Church-Government and Gods rorfhip,you will meet with forne that are for Prelacie, .and forne againft it . fome for Government by the Pa- (tors in equality,fome for the Peoples power ofthe keys, and fome for an Univerfal Government ofall the world <by the Pope of Rome. And you will find forne againft all praying by the Book, or a fet-form of words, and ,fome againft all other praying fave that, . at leaft in publick : fome for Images and many Symbolical Cere- monies of mens making, in Gods publick worfhip, and forne againft them : fome for keeping all from the Sa- .crament, of whofe Converfion or holinefs the people are not fatisfied ; and forne for admitting the fcanda- lousand ignorant, and fome for a middle way ; With, many other differences about words, and geftures and manner of, ferving God. I b. L And it will increafe your temptation tohear all ;. thefe called by feveral :Names, forne Greeks, tome Ppifts, fome Proteflants ; and of them,fome Lutherans, a.: s Arminians, fome Calvinifts, ,fome Antinomians, f ',me-Libertines, fome Prelatical, fome Eraflians, fome P:esbyterians, fome Independents, fome Anabaptitis, fcfides Seekers, Quakers, Familifts , and many .11 re that are truly Hereticks; ) And fome (efpecially tl e Papifts) would make you believe that all thefe are many feveral Religions, of which none but one (tt at is,their own) is trueand faxing. I.1,Tv But