Spe Poo? 'I' anz folníip Zook. 197 IV. But the greateft part ofyourTemptation will be to fee how all thefe doute one another, and to hear what language they give to one another. You (hall find that the Paptfls make it a part of their Religion or Church Laws, that thofe whom they account Hereticks mull be burnt to death and afhes : and that Inquifitions by torments muff force them to confefs and dete& themfelves and others ; and that (u) Temporal Lords that will not exterminate. ail Inch from their Dominions, are to be excommunicated firft, and next deprived by the Pope of their poffeffions, and their Dominions given to others that will do it : and that Preachers are to be filenced and cart out, that fwear not, fubfcribe not and conform not, as their Church Canons do re- quire them. Others in all Countrys almoft you will find inclining to the way of force in various degrees, and faying that without it, the Church cannot Rand, anddifcipline would be of no effect, and no Union or concord would. be maintained : Thefe will call thefe that do not obey them, fchifmaticks, fac`Iious, fedi ' tious, and fuch like. Others you will find pleading for Liberty, of' Confcience, force for all, and force fcr many, and force for thernfelves only : forcecrying out againft the Prelates as Anti-Chriftian, Perfecutors, and Formalifts, and Enemies to all ferions Godly men force will feparate from them as no Churches, not fit; for Chriflians to hold Communion with. One party will charge you as you would fcape fchifm and damna* tion, not to joyn with the Proteftants , or Noncon- formifls or Separatifl : Another willcharge you as you r (as)Concil.;Late.:v innoc, 3. r. 30 O 3 tvct:liz