Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

198 trigpowfpanofalniip 15ooti. would not be guilty of falfe worthip, Idolatry, Po: pery, perfetution, &c. not to hold Communion with the conforming Churches. And the Anabaptifts will tell you that your Infant Baptifm was nothing but a fin and a mockery,and that you mull be Baptized again if you will be Paved, (fay fome) or if you will be ca- pable of Church Communion, fay others, The An- tinomians will tell you that if you turn not to their opinions, you are a Legalift, and ftranger to free Grace, and fet up a Righteoufnefs of your own, againíl the Righteoufnefs ofChrift, andare fallen from grace by adhering to the Law. The Arminians and Jefuits and Lutherans -will tellyou that ifyou are againft them, youblafphemoufly make God a Tyrant, an Hypocrite, and the Author offin : The Dominicans and Anti-Ar- minians will tell you that if you be of the opinion which they oppofe, you make man an Idol, and af- fcribe tohim that which is proper to God, and are Ene- mies to Godsgrace and providence, and near to So- cinianifm. Thefe and fuck other Temptations you muff meet with, from difputers, who account them - felves, or are accounted by their party, the bell and wifeft Learnedft men. S. Yougreatly perplex me to hear filch unexpeEled things as thefe : What then(hall I do i f I come to fee them, and Jhould be thus affaulted? Is Religion no plainer andffrer a way? Or are Chrifl'ians no wifr Andbetter people, than to live in filch uncertainties, contentions and confufions ? I thought that their war- fare had been only againfl the world, the flefh, and the Devil: Do they live in fach a war againfl' each other ? I am almoff utterly difcouraged to hear of filch a var as you defcribc