lIED$ Pow 9,. ano iFartip 'Zook. 199 P. I had rather you knew it before-hand.. that you may be prepared for it, than to be overthrown hereafter by an unexpected furprize. I. Religion,you mull know, is a thing which confifteth of feveral parts: As a mans body hath, I. AHead, ? of difcul- and a Heart,and a Liver,and a Stomach; ie5 in Iivini- Thefe we call Effential Parts, without which it is not a humane body : 2. It bath armes and hands,and legs, and feet,which we call Integral farts ; without thefe it may be a Body, but not a whole body: Thefe are force of them great and few and fome of them are exceeding final] and almoft innumerable : There are hundreds or thoufands of capillar veines, ,ar- teries, nerves,and fibres, fo finali as that the curioufefc Anatomifts in the world, that open mens bodies, cannot fee them while they are before their eyes : much lets the true nature and caufes of all the humours, and their motions and effec'ts : 3. There are alfo nailes, and millions ofhairs, which are no Parts of `the body at all, but accidents. Even fo Religion bath I. Its efJential parts, which I have opened toyou in the Baptifnal Co- venant : Thefe all trucChriftians know and are agreed in. z. It hath its Integral parts;which are next to thefe : The greater fort of thefe forneerroneous Chriflians wanting, are like men that are without a Leg or an Arm ; But the fmaller parts are fo Many that no Chriftian on earth is foperfect as to know and have them all. Is not all plain and fore which I have opened to vtsu, and engaged you in ? And yet therearea thoufand texts of Scripture, and hard points in Divinity, which the molt learned are difagreed about. All that, without which a man cannot be a Good and Holy Chrifíien and be faved, is plain and eafie in it felf. And Chrif+ did choofe therefore to (peak to the capacity of the mealDeft, t 0 4. - l,tÌLls