Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

d '2 00 »e pm? fangfamítp 15oo . though it offend fome fubtile curious wits, who expected that God fhouldhave fent fromHeaven a Philofopher to refolve their doubts abcut unprofitable creature- fpecu- lations, rather than a Redeemer to fave their fouls. and Repent, and, Lóve God above all, and Hea- ven above Earth,and your Neighbour as yòur felt, and mortifie the tuffs of the flefh by the fpirir, and deny your'felf, and fuffer patiently, and forgive your ene- mies, &c. All there are dot~frines harder tobe prúhfed than to be underflood. . But yet the fubtileft wits (hail not complain for 'want of work ; For Godbath put many things into the Scri- ptures to (x) exercife them. And the nature of the matter Both of it fel fmake multitudes of the leffer things in Divinity to be difficult. I. And as for Chriítians themfelves, you muff know, i. that there are (y) among ;. Of the dire- themabundance of worldly Hypocrites, rences of Chri- îians. fuch as you were before your Repen- tance : For fuch men are of that opi- llion and fide which is uppermoff, and maketh moll for their advantageand honour in the world. And there ftrive tó get into places of wealth and power, to be the Matters ofall others. And it is not meer Learning, nor a Doctors habit or Parlors chair, or . Power to hurt others, that will make a holy mortified man. And what wonder is it iffuch as there be rroublers'of the Church, and revilers or perfecutors of good men ; And if they lure their. Religion to ferve their pride and pan and worldly intereft andends 2. And among thofe that are fincerely devoted to () z Pet. 3 6(y) 7ohó z 3. Q, æ I