vac pop? 3anoEntrapZook. 2ò God, there are abundance of lamentable imperfections. r. Some are yet young and k) raw of underftanding, and never had time and hard Rudy and helps, fufficient to acquaint them with all thefe difficult controverted points : 2. And then it is the common difeafe of man- kind, tobe too little dìftruftful of our own underftand- ings ; and tobe tooconfident ofour firft apprehenfions : Whereas alasthe underftanding of man is a poor dark flippery fumbling thing 1. And moft mens firft concepti- ons of doctrinal matters are very lame, if not falle ; Becaufe at firft we corneflrangers to the matters, and we alwayes leave out one half (at leaft) that is to be known : And a halfknowledge bathhalfIgnorance with it, if not errour ; Becaufe Truthsare like the parts of a Clock or Watch, in fuch connexion, that the igno- rance of one part, may make us err about the ufe of all or many of the refit. And the truth is, Wife and judicious Chriftians are very few. For it is but few that are born with flrong natural wits ; and few that fall into the hands of right teachers ; and few that are patient diligent fludents. All which, befides thefjiecial helpsof rodsfpirit, are neceffary to make a judicious man. 3.And there are in moil 9f us too much of our inor- dinate pride and felfäfhnefs and paffion unmortified, ac. cording to the various degrees ofgrace. Moft Chrifti- ans are weak and (a) Infants. And weak grace bath ironq corruptions : And Prong corruptions will be great troublers of the Church and Family as they are great troublers of thefoul that hash them. (z) I I, 1 2, a 3 .I)2'& o 4. (a)i Con 3=i,2,3 4. Gal. Do