4 CDCpow Moo feurtiipToolt. P. Doyou not think the (d) holy Scripture is Gods word ? and that whatever it tells us, that God tells us? S. Tes : Icannot deny that. 1'. Do you believe that there is (e) another life after this, and that mandyeth not like a dog, but that his Soul goeth either to Heavenor Hell ? S. Tes: that mug not be denyed. P. Seeing Heaven is an unconceiveable Glory, and Hell the mat unexpreffible jnifery, do you not think that there tnuft needs be, a (f) very great difference between thofe that go to Heaven, and thofe that go to Hell ? S. Tes, no doubt ; God is not unittfi: He would not take one to Heaven, and fend another to Hell, if they were bothalike. P. And doyou think that there is fo great a diffe. rence, and yet that it cannot be known ? Is a Godly man and a wicked man fo like, that they cannot be known afunder by themfelves, if they vtill ? S. No body knovveth the heartbut God. P. mother cannot infallibly know k, further than the life delareth it ? But cannot you (g) know your own ? Cannot you know what you love and what you bate ? S. No doubt but a manmay know his own mind. P. Very good t Andyouhear the Scripture read át Church, where there are abundance of Promifes made' (d rob. $ . 39. Mat.14.49. & 12. 24. 2 rim. ;. 16. (e) Ma ileb.9.27.(f) Mat .z5. Pfal.i d.3. 17, 18.Rom.8.5,6,7 ,9.(g) 2, Cor.l: .5. a Ph. 3.14, 24-, cj. 4.13.G 5.79)20. to