Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

sOE Poo? ipano fainilpZabl1 The ufe that you muff make of all this, is fuch as fol- loweth. I. You mutt confider how great Gods (b) mercy is to man that will bear with fo much faultinefs in the bell ; And how tender a Phyfician we have who en- dureth all thefe linking corruptions, which we can fcarce endure in one another, and the humble can fcarce endure in themfelves. 2. What confant need we have of a Saviour and a (c) Sandier : And how much wemullRill live upon the healinggrace of Chrift. 3. How badour cafe was before Converfión, when it is fo bad frill : And what wretches we should have been if God had left us to our felves : And what Church- trouberi the ungodly are, when the betterfort have fuch troublefome faults. 4. What an excellent thing Grace is, that (loth not only k ep alive under fo much fin, but daily work it our, till at 1aí1 it perfec`llyovercome it. 5. How (d) tender we mutt be of judging one ano- ther tobe ungodly, for fuch faults as are too common among force of the penitent. Though fin be never the better,, becaufe we are all fo bad, yet we are the unfirter to be flatly cenfhrers of one another. 6. It is a help to the hope andcomfort of a penitent burdened finner,that yetChrifr will(e)pardonhim& heal him at the laft;whenhe feethhowmuchGod beareth with and pardoneth in all As it is acomfort to the fick man, to hear that thoufands do live that have had thé fame (b)'xad. 34. 7. Col. 3. r3. Pfal. 103.3. Eph.q.. 32. (c) 1oh.1. 9. Eph.5.26. (d) Gal.6. i, z, 7 . itA?at. 7. I'2,3. (e) difrafe