204 fane xnofamíip difeafe. Ifalmoft all Gòds fervants were perfect, it wouldbe hard for the (f)imperfelí to believe that they arehis fervants. 7. It theweth you what need we have all to bear with one another, if.ever we will have love and peace :. And what a (g) Pelf-condemning courfe it is of Perfecutors, toruine theGodlyupon an Accufation of force tolerable errour orfault, when all men have filch like. 8. It will tell you how little caufe anyofus have to be (h) Proud, and how needful (i) humility and renewed repentance is, to thofe that are Rill fo bad. 9. It will tell you how little reafon we have to, be (k) f cure and idle, and to think 'that our mortifying worlds done, when ftïll we have all fo much fin to overcome. Io. It will keep us from too contemptuous and un- merciful carriage towards thofe that are unconverted, or that are lupfed into fin ; and teach us to pity them and pray for them, rather than revile them, when we find fo much faultinefs among the better fort of Chriftians. And it will keepus from that(l)over-rigid and cenforious and magiferial expeâation or execution of Church- difcipline, when faults are fo common under high pro- feflions. I rat will make thofe(m)few Chriftians the more ami- able in your eyes,whofe great t'vifdom, Piety, Sobriety, PeaceabIIenefs and Patience, not only keep them from joyniñ with the Cuurch- troublers, but alío nìaketh (f) I Toh. 1.7)87 9. (g) mat. 18. 32. 7oh,1^8.6, 7, 8. (h) Ifa.6Z.. (i) at. 18.3.Eí I I.2ß,a9 (I)Heb. I2. 28,29.Phil.2. Iz. (I) a 1-nm.z.z5,26. ;m) Phil.2.2,i. art in