Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

SipPow s` anz famiip 115oot. 205 them both the jcapporters and healers ofthe reft. For through Gods great mercy many fuch judicious, wife, humble, blamelefs, charitable and peaceable men there are, who are to the ordinary weak, profeffours, what the healthful are in anHofpital or Family to the fick, and the aged to the Children ; that bear with the reif, n and help to cure them by degrees, and keep the peace which they would break, and reconcile the differences which others make, and rid cut of the Church the e7t- crementsofreviling and hatred and divifions wherewith the other do defile it : And (n) bleffed are thefe Peace- makers, who have the (o) pure and peaceable wifdom from above; for they are eminently the Children of God. 12. Lally, This muft teach you to remember the difference between Earth and Heaven, and to look up with honour and defire to the perfea harmony of holy fouls, united in one flame of Love to God ; and to fay, 'ComeLord Jefus ! When fhall I be in that peaceable per.. feet world, where no ignorance, no fin, no pride, no pailión, no carnal domination troubleth the holy tri- umphant Church ? And it muft quicken your prayers, that Gods will may be done on earth, as it is in Hea- ven. Thefe are the trueufes to be made ofall our dif- rences, contentions, fcandals, perfecutions, andChurch- divifions. S. G howgreat a mercy is a wife and feafonable mo- nitor and guide! I was ready to think the fcandaal defcribed to be fogreat, as might even warrant, if not neceffitate my offence, and the abatement of my liking of Godly men, if not of Godlinefs it felf ! Andyou have (n) c)l:lat.S .(o) J am .3 . 17. flaewed