o feìc , 4 ao? ano familp oo . fbewed me abundance offruitful safes to be madeof it and that with undeniable evidence of reafon ! P. To think ill ofChrift or Chriftianity, of God or Godlinefs, for the errours or faults of any men in the world, is a mad and a molt difngenu©us thing. For a . What is all finfulnefs but a want of Godlinefs, or that which is its contrary ? And will you vilifie Health be caufe many areficki or cafe becaufe many have pain f or life becaufe many die ? or light becaufe many are blind or in darJnefs ? When un the contrary, it is pain and ficknefs that bell teacheth men to value eafe and health. And fhould not the finful Confufions in the world then, and the mifcarriages of Chrifians,, caufe ats tovalue wifdom, holinefs and peace the more ? It is not Goellinefs,but want of more Godlinefs that maketh men do all this amifs. There is nothing in the world, but more wifdom andmore true Godlinefs that can cure it. And when there is none, the world is fo much worfe thatit is almoft like hell. z. And is it not God that forbiddeth and condemn- eth all this ? Is it not his Law that every firmer break- eth ? Is there any one in the world, or all the world, fo much againftallfin as God is? What would you have himdo more to lignifie his diflike of it ? He forbids it : hecaufed his Son todie for fin : he yet chaftifeth the Godly themfelves for it; and he will caft the impeni- tent intohell for it ; and he will never fiffer any fin in his Heavenly Kingdom : And is it not madnefs of blafphemy then, ifany will lay the blame of mens fins on God, or on his holyLaws? 3. And it is God that is molt abufed and injured by fin, and dif leafed with it : Andfor you to think hardly ofhim, or of thofe that pleafe him, becaufe that others by fin do injure him, is asunreafonable and unrighteous, ás