Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

ano famíípZook. 207 as ifmany of your Neighboursíhould rob youand beat you,and therefore the reft íhould rob and beat you again, becaufe thefiredid fo, and fhould beat all that will not beat you. It is no more equal dealing to think theworfe ofGodand Godlinefs and Godly men,becaufe that fcan- dalous perfons do offend him. S. But couldnot Godmake men better and cure allthis ifhe would ? Why then is the world f bad ? P. God who in Himfelf is Infinitely Good, in his In- finite Wifdom feeth it belt, to make his Creatures in great variety,andnot to communicate the fame degrees of excellency to them all : As you fee that everyftar is not a fun, nor all flan.s equal, nor the clouds like the liars, nor the earthand water fo pure as the aire, nor fo active as the fire ; As you fee a difference between men andbeafis and birds and worms, and trees and plants andHones, in wonderful variety : And it is folly to ac.. cufe God for not making every worm a man, or every tr an an Angel,or every done a ftar or Sur, : Becaufe he is a free Creator and Benefactor, and may make or not make, give ornot give as he pleafeth, and knoweth well why hedoth what he doth, which we poor worms are unfit to know : Even fo force Reafonable Creatures he bath made fo Glorious in Holinef and perfetlion that they cannot fin, that is, they never willfin ; I mean the Angels: And force he hath made fuch as may Pleafe him and be Happy ifthey mill, (afíifting them by abun- dance of inftructions and mercies and afflictions;, )and yet (p) mayfan andperijh if they will not be perfwaded. And among thefe, even mortal men, he freely gveth more mercy to fame than he doth to others : But to (p)l'rov.I.20,?.7,22a.Z3y2+4,z5, C. all