2 03 epcpop; Mano fatñftpZook. all fo much as that nothing can undoe them, if they do not wilfully, obftinately and impenitently refufe and abufe the mercywhich is given and offered them even tea the Taft. Now it is true that God could make every man an Angel, and every wicked man a Saint : and all thofe whom he hath left to a Poffìbility either to fund orfall , as themfelves {hall choofe, he could have made fuch, as that to fin fhould have been Impofible to them. But it pleafeth him to do otherwife, and he well knoweth why. S. VII. Ton have brought to my mind and almofp here anfivered already,another Temptation whichI have fometimes felt myfelf : It hath pofed 7ne to think. that Godwho isfo Good , fdionld male Hell for any, and damn men to filch torments as I would not have my greateft enemy feel, : latch more that the far greatefß part of the world Jhould all be damned : For ifScripture hadnever faid that few are faved ; Yet as long as it faith that none but the Holy and Obedient are faved, it is all one : For 1fee that veryfeware holy ;; Few Love Godandhis wordand Heaven, above this world. vp- on theft thoughts I have fometimes been tempted to darn, i"hetherGodbe Good and merciful : and fome- t»mes to doubt whether the Scripture that faith thefe things, be true : For he that is Good will do Good Therefore ifGo:¡.' rove but One of many, where is the abs;nda»ce ofhisGoodnefs.? P. That you may underífand thefe matters well, you muff begin at the bottom with the cleareft certain- ties, and fo proceed to the ref}., And i . I ask you, Is it not abfolutely certain that God is Good, yea Better than