Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

epePoo? ano famíip "Zook. ,209 than all the world ? Ifnot, How carne all that goodnef$ in to the whole world, which we find in Nature and Virtue, if Goddid not make it ? And he cannot make that which is better than himfelf. S. This is not to be queflioned: Elfe he were not Cod. P. Quefl. 2. Is it not certain that there is pain &Ind miferyf.undin the world even on force Creatures that never finned ? What toil do you put your Ox and Horfe to ? You beat and abufe them : They have painful difeafes, and fometicne.s broken bones ; and you take away the lives of multitudes of harmlefs creatures at your pleafure : Yea they torment and kill one another, the Cat the Moufe, and the Dog the Hare, and the Hawk theBirds, &c. Dothnbt all this fland with the Good nefsofÇod? S. Tes, Experience telleth us'that. 'P. `weft. 3. Dothnot a wilfulfanner deferve to feel more, than an innocent Creature ? S. Tes, No doubt of that. P.Quefl. q.. Do not many feel great torments in this world ? by Gout and Stone and many difeafes ? By poverty and cares and furrows ? and injuries from men ? and yet God is Good ? S. Tes,There needs no proof ofthat. P. Queft. 5. Might not God take away the life of an innocent man, if he had pleated, as well as ofa 'birdor a beafl ? S. Tes, Nodoubt of it : Theyare 'alibis own. . uefl. 6. Might not God freely have made you i labouring Horfe, a Toad, a Serpent, when he made you a man ? S. No doubt, ifhewould. P. ,Quefß.,7. Might he not then turn you to be a P Toad