oo? : ï anz Zook. 211 worketh in, and will be the fame thing when it is fepa.. rated. At leaf} I ask, Owl/. 13. Is God bound to feparate a finners fenfatl lion from his foul. S. Nodoubt, but he may continue it ; And I confefs I think it likely that finners who have fubjeEled their Reafon to fenfe, fhould rather after death be J.efs rea onable, than Lefs fenfitive. p. 14. Will not a vehement delire of méat, drink, women, ea fe, honour, riches, turn to a continual torment , if they cannot have the things defired ? S. No doubt of that : what elfe is hunger and therft andflame andgriefor(corn anddifappoint, ent ? P. gueff. 15. If the very Nature ofGod be to Hate allfin, and to be Difpleafed with Sinners, who is it that maketh any man Hated of God, and Difpleafing to Him ? S. Hehimfelf that maketh l imfelf a finner : As u weedor dunghil fiinketh when the Sun fhineth on it, becaufe it is a weedor dunghil. P. Quefl. 16. If a Reafonable Creature know that he bath brought himfelf into fuch a cafe, in which he bath loft both Heaven and all his fenfual pleafures , and madehimfelf hateful to God and Angels and good men, and all thisfor a little tr.:nfitory pleafure, which he knew would quickly end, and when he was often told what it would colt him, and might have been happy for ever if he would, Is it not likely or certain that the thoughts of this will be a torment to his mind ? S. res, Nodoubt : unlefs he havegreat Command of himfelf. P. Quell. 17. Is it likely that hewho loft the power ofhis own Reafon here, by awilful fubjefting it to fenfe,, should by Gods Grace or his own ífrength recover P z the