Cbe Poo? fflano famíipZook. 5 to the Godly, both for this life and that to come ; and terrible threatnings to the ungodly? Towhat ufeand pur- pofe were all thefe, if no one could know whether he were Godly or Vngodly ? Who could take any comfort in the protnifes, if he could not know that they belong to him? S. Not unlefs he have forceguefs or hope, P. And do you not hear in z Pet, i. To. that we muff give all diligence to makeour Calling and Elation fure ? And 2 Cer. 13.5. Examineyour (elves whether you be ¡nth;faithor no : Prove yourfelves. Know you not your own felves, that yefus Chrift is in you, except ye be reprobates ? Do you think God would bid men try and examine and make fure, if it were impollible S. No, Pure; we mutt do our bell : But who can tell who are Eluted and who are Reprobates, which are Godsfecrets ? P. You cannot know before they are Converted , whomGod will convert and whom not. But when he Converteth a Sinner, he fers his name and mark, upon him ; not outwardly only as you do on your Sheep or goods but inwardly, as the (h) Parents convey their own nature and likenefs to their. Children : That is, He Regenerateth and fan$ifieth them : He putteth into them a Holy nature ; a new mind, and a new will; and turneth them to a new life : And may not all this be known ? Cannot Gods Elea be known to them-. felves, when he bath given themthe Spirit of Chrif} and made them new Creatures, and fer his certa in mark upon them ? Did you never hear z 7°im, 2. 19. rb e (h)Toh3.3,5.Rom.S.ç.iT°iat.it3.3.ri.Z.t3, i:. 2 Cor:'5.17. B 3 foin