212 Sf,t8 Poo? ano fatuity 'Zook the power of it hereafter, fo as tobe able to reflrain his own tormentingConfcience or pat (ions ? S. I think,that too late they may be wifer by expe- rience, as knowing Good and Evil: But not to their own benefit. P. ,Qjueft. i8. If an Immortal foul bath thus cafl. out God and Holinefs from it felf (betides whom there is no true Heaven and Happinefs) and if it have kindled Hellfire in it's own nature, in wicked felf-tormenting Lulls and pallions & enmity to God ; Howdoyou think that it íhould ever be recovered, or this fire quenched ? Godpittied his Enemies once, and did redeem them : But is he obliged to ir1terpofe, and fave the final Enemies of his grace, from their own doings, when the time ofgrace is pail ? And no man can expel, that fuch a wicked and Enthralled Nature, fhould then change and deliver it Pelf ? Therefore their everlafting mifery, is the everlafting felf-tormenting of the wicked. And is God bound to hold all mens hands from cutting their own throats ? Or to cure everyman as oft as he will wound himfelf ? Or to build every mans houfe as oft as he will burn it wilfully, when he is intreated to forbear ? Or to fhut mens mouths for. fear left they Ihould gnaw their own flefh ? S.Iperceive that man is his own Tormenter, and his veryfin is a Hellfor ever to the inner. P. ,Q., t 9. Ifall this damnation be not only deferved but executed by fanners on themfelves, who will not be intreated to have mercy on themfelves Is it not impu- dency to turn the accufation againft God, and charge himwith cruelty againft there cruel and obftinate Pelf- deftroyers? S. All that 4 to be failis, that it ?leafed not God to rr:ri tie their mifery impo/ble, and tofave themfrom them fely s. , P. Qicft.