ebe Pow famálp Zook. 2 z 3 p..Queß. 20. Seeing that humane Government is neceffary to the peace and order of the world, and yuftice as neceffary as Government, Is not Divine Government, Laws and Micemore -neceff'ry ? Elfe all the Soveraigns of the world would be ungoverned ; and all powerful wickednefs be unpunifhed ; and all heartfins (which are the roots of all the reft) and all fecret villaines, would be as free as piety it felf : And no Univerfal order could be maintained without an Univerfal Governour And if all Governours inflict more punifhment on offenders than they are willing of themfelves, muff not Goddo fo ? Sin is voluntary, but punifhment is moftly unvoluntary. And if fin againft man deferve the Gallows or temporal death, fur.e fin againft God deferveth ,more ; even a punifhment as . durable as the finwers foul, which is immortal. S. You have filenced my murmuring thoughts as to the Beingof Hell : But whatfayyou of the Numbers that aredamned? P. I. Remember that it is proved to you, that God doth (before their fin) no worfe to any, than as a free Benefacttor to give his own benefits in various de- grees : And that in the lowefl degree, he .giveth to all men `Pardon, and Salvation if they will have it, and will not finally and obftinately reject it ? 2. Remember that none are damned but thole that wilfullydamn themfelves, and refufe Salvation. 3. Confider that man is as nothing to God. and therefore there is no reafon that he fhouid fpare fïnners for their numbers fake : when the number tnaketh the fin the greater, as many fire-flicks make the greater flame. Millions ofmen are not fo much to God as two or three flies or wafps to us, who yet never flick to de (troy a thoufand of them. P 3