214 tri)e Poo? Manofamíip 1600. I ask you, .Q,Liej. i. If God damned but one of a Million,or of a Kingdom, and that only for obftinacy and Impenitency in fin, would it much offend you ? S. No : For Ijhuuldfee then that his Mercy is Great- e P. 2. If he damned none but the Devils, and faved all rri4nkind, would it offend you ? S. Not much : becaufe their malice isfogreat. P. 3. Do you not grudge fometimes th,ct God doth riot punifh the wicked, efpecially the Perfcutors of his Church ? And are not good men ready fometimes to call for fire from Heaven, and fometimes to marvel that God dothno more thew his hatred againft them ? And yet will yougrudge at him, becaufe he will do it, fully and feafonably in Hell? S. The Lord pardon its ! We are hardly pleafed with kis judgments. P. q.. Doyouknow that all this Earth is no bigger in comparifon of all the world, than one inch of Ground is toall theEarth ? And how many thoufand, thvufand, thoufand times, is all the Earth greater than one inch ? And are not all the reíf ofthe vat}and glorious parts of the world, as like to be fully inhabited as this? How know you but thofe unmeafurable Regions have a thou- fand thoufand millions of bleffed Angels, and Spiritual Inhabitants, for one wicked Alan or Devil that is damned ? Are you fure it is not fo ? S. HowfhouldIbePure ? God only knoweth. I con- fef it is likely enough, if we may judge by the diferent pees syou compare them, P. 5. Ifwhen you come to Heaven,you Mall find that Hell was the finful place of Devils, and Earth by fin, was one fpoc ofGods world, made next like Hell ; and that millions ofmillions of Angelsand holy Spirits and Inhabitan.s