sï)e ;pm? 99an famííp Zook. 215 Inhabitants are Glorified, for one wicked ?ían or Devil that is damned, will you not be athamedof mur- muring at God ? S. If ee that it is unfit for poor dark, fznners to judge the fudge of all the world, or to prefwrne to quarrel with his judgements, when we know no better what we fay. The ufes which you fhould rather make of the numbers that are condemned are fuch as thefe. i. To confider howmad a Creature an ungodly man is, when fagreat a number will by no warnings be kept from damning their own fouls for ever. 2. That Man hath exceeding need of a Saviour and a Sanctifier who is fuch a pernicious Enemy to him- felf. 3. How much you are beholden to God, who bath made youby his Grace to be one of thole few that Mall be Paved. 4. How foolilh and unfafe it is to thinkand fjjeak and do as the moft do, unlefs you would fpeed as the moft do for ever : And how untneet it is for them to be con- formed to this world, who hope to be for ever feparated from them. 5. How excellent a people there few (would be; abOve the common rates of men, whom God bath called out of fo great a number to himfelf. How fer- vently fhould they love him, and howholily and hearti- ly fhould they ferve him ? S. O that we could be fuch as this mercy cloth de- ferve ! P. Two things more I will conclude with for your fatisfac`fion. i . That Hell is not to be thought of like a meer furance of fire, where [inners arc frved, as abiding in one place : But the Race of the Devils who P 4 ark