z 6 ZIR Powfflano ?$o . ;re now at once tormented in Hell, and yet (q) rule in the air under one Beelzebub, or Prince, and night andday compafs the earth as feeking horn to deceive and devour, This, I fay, fhewethus, that Hell is a Jkate offn and mifery, continued partly by the volun- tary pravity ofthe damned, and confiftent with a kind ofÁctiveand Political life. And the greateft refem- blance ofit is the cafe ofwicked men in deep Melan- choly, who can neither ceafe to be wicked, nor to tor, anent themfelves ; or of Rogues in Irons in the Jail, compared with the flare of the Angels in Heaven. 2. That all great excellencies are rare : There is but one Son (that we know of :) The number of men on earth is fmall to thenumber of flies and worms and fifties, &c. Gold is not fo common as Iron, or clay, nor Diamonds or other Jewels fo common as peble- ftones : Thewoods are covered with thorns and bryars, and the Commons with heath and furze, and weeds without anycare and labour ofman ; But Orch trds and Gardens muít have greater care, and lie in a much narrower room : Kings and Nobles, and Judges and Doe`fors, are but a fmall part ofmankind, And if God will have but few of us come to Heaven, one of thofe few fmall be ofmoreworth, than thoufands of the wicked Reprobates that perifh. S. Rutfir, the chiefmatter is yet behind: Ton have toldme before of the fcandals, errours, and fees, and temptations by them, which willbe in the Church ; and yQu haveVold me now,of the multitudes that are wicked; But you have not told me, hors I m4 ofgape either of (q) EphejZ.. yob 1.6, 7? 8, i Pct. 5.8. Rom. 2. Ice peb. 14. thef .