SIRPorn fflano fainíCpZoGt 217 thefeTemptations? What (hall fuch an ignorant fanner as i do, when Inot onlyfee the ill example of the multi- tude High andLow,but alfo hear men thatfeemLearned and ,Godly, condemning one another: When onefaith, This is the true Church, and another faith,Nay, but they are Hereticks or Antichriftian ; One faith, Tou are damned ìfyou be not of our way, and another faith, Tauare damned ifyou be not of our way. Alas, I am not able tojudge which of them is in the right. I know not what a Socinian, a_Quaker, a Papift. an Antinomi- an or anyof thefeparties are, nor what they hold How thenfhalll anfwer them,or knowwhether they be in the right ?What will you advife me to do in this difficulty ? P. 1. I will firft remember you, that All this is no more than Chrift foretold us of, and warned all his Difciples to prepare for. That falfe Chrifts and falfe ProphetsJhouldarife, who fhould deceive, were it pof . fible, the veryElea : Math. 24.24. When theyfay,Here is Chi-aft, and there is Chrift, go not after them : ver. 26. That ofour own felves men fhould arife fpeaking per-. verfe things,to draw away difciples after them: A&. 20. 3o. That it muff be that herefies muff arife, that they which areapproved may be mademanifeft Cor, i 1. 19. That Satan would transform himfelf into an Angelof light, and his Minifters into Minifters of righteoufnefs to deceive : 2 Cor. II. 4.. That force would caufe divfìonsandoffences, contrary to the Apoftles dottrine ; even fach as ferve not the Lord 7efiu, but their own bellies, andby goodwords andfair#eeches de- ceive the hearts of the Simple Rom. 16. 16, 17. Among the Corinthians how quicklydid the more car- atoll fort of Chriftians, fall into factions and divifions, force beingof Paul, and force of Apollos and force of 'ephas ? And the Galathians fo followed the Jewi(h Teachers,