z T 8 ine poi)? Manofamírp ISod. Teachers, that Paul was afraidofthem, left he had la- boured in vain. And in manyof the Churches, the Nicólaitans and Deceivers (called the Woman jeze- bel) did teach and feduce the people from the truth , Rev. 2.& 3. But your.fafety in this great danger muff be thus maintained. I. Tou muff (r}holdfall to your Baptifmal Manz, as explained in the Creed,Lords Prayer and Com- mandments : And take all for Chriffians who are true to that : and take all fuch Chriftians for the true Ca- tholick Church : For that which maketh a man a Chri- flian,maketh him a member of the Body Politick, of Chriff, which is his Church. So that if any man teach youany thing contrary tothat, you muff reject it : For your Baptifmal Covenant is your Chriftianity. And if anycall him a Heretickthat owneth this Chriftian Co-. venant,as opened in the Creed, Lords Prayer and Com- mandments, believe him nor; but take him for a flanderer of your brother, except he prove it, r. by force proved.. contraryprofeffion, which will prove that he loth not indeedbelieve as he profeffeth to believe ; z. or by force impenitent wickednefs of life. So that the fame Cove- nant which your own Chriflianity confifteth in,will ferve both for a tell to try mens dal-trines by, and alfo to try which is the true Church, andwho are the members ofit with whom you muff have Communion, and who are Heretickj whom you muff avoid. (r) 2 rim. r. 13. Eph.4.43,5,6,7;14>IS'.ICor.Ì2.I2, 13, c-c.MarEZ,i6.16. II. Adhere