Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

%DePoo? nano famíïp 'Zook. 219 I. Adhere to thofe truths whereinallChrifiansare (f agreed. Papifts and Prowl/ants and Greeks, and all forts truly Chriftian, are agreed in the points fare- named, ofthe Baptifmal (óvenant, the Creed, the Lords Prayer and the ten Commandments: And they all confefs that all which we receive for Canonical Scripture, is the true infallible Word of God : In all this our div flansare no Temptation to you, becaufe we are all of a mind in thefe. I I I. The holy (t) Scripture then being acknow. ledged by all, for theWord of God,you muff receive no doctrine which contraditleth it ; Nor refufe any do- cfrine which is afferted in it : But try all by this divine and certain rule. IV. Becaufe that the doubtful fence of many Texts,' is the occafionofmens different opinions, you may well take upwith that fence which bath either of thefe two marks : r. That which is fo plain and frequently re-` peated, that to an impartial fober man it is pafl Contro- verfae; and ifany pervert it, the plainnefs of the text will certainly thame him. 2. That which all Chriflí-. ans (ur lefs fome inconfiderable dotards) are agreed in as the proper fence, in all the Commentaries of their Learnedmen. And ifyou hold fait all the Texts which are thus Plain, and all which Papifts, Greeks, Prote Rants, &c. dogive the fame expofition of, you will have agreat flock ofPaving truths. (Di Tim.q.. 6. & 6.3 . Rom. 16, 16, 17 . (t) Yoh;a 5p39 V,.-Be