s o ebe Ioo? fflanz famtip'Zook, V. Be füre that you faithfully Love and (u) tlife this much forementioned, which all are agreed in : And then i. The very Love and PraEice will help you to fuch a livelyexperimental kind of knowledge, as will certainly fave your foul, and keep you from every damning errour ; yea and will greatly advantage you inallpractical, and many doElrinal Controverfies. 2. And Godwill biefs you with (w) more of his illu- minating help. Whereas falfe hypocrites, that have no Religion but opinion, and talk, and proud felf-con- ceit, and contendingzeal,deferve to be forfaken ofGod, and given up to believe many fal.hoods and to lofe the truthwhich they perfidiouflyabufed. Holy fouls have great advantage of worldly or opinionative hypocrites, in times of differences and contentions. At leaft (x). thefe fouls (hall certainly be faved. V I. (y) Learn all that you yet underftaud not, in the fame humble teachablenefs from the Minifters of Chrift in which you firft entred into his Church. Think not that you are grown too wife to CO need theirfurther teaching. Whenyou once grow proud of your own underflanding, and think that you can judge of all things at the firft hearing, and that all is falfe which crofl'eth your firft conceits,and that Minifters can add but little to what you know already ; then you are as bad as perverted already : For this is the root of a multitudeof errours. (u) Yoh.7.17.& 13.17.& i5.i4.liÍat. 7. 22,23, 24. (w)foh. 15. 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Mat. 28. 20. Job. 14.21. (x) Rev.22.14. (y)Mat.1$.3.(z,)1 Thef.5.12,13 .Heb. 13.7' 17) 24 VII. The