Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BV4526 .B35 1675

terpe Pop ano fairi0 .Boot. 22 I V I I. The (a) judgement of the Generality ofAble, Godly, felf-denying impartial Miniffers, should prevail more with you, than the Judgement of any partial SeEI, whether it be Great or Small, either fuch as Band for worldly interefit, or fuch as run into parties hy. divifion. For the Church of Chriff bath ever fuffered by thefe two forts, and therefore they are Rill both to be fu- fpeaed. z. Ungodly Carnal men that thruft themfelves into the SacredMiniftry for Preferment, will teach you fuch doarine as tendeth to their worldly ends, to magnifie themfelves, and (b) keep the world in fubjeaion to them, that all may honour them and be ruled by their wills. Domination is evidently their work and end; and no wonder if they fit their doarine to it. 2. On theother fide the raw injudicious fort of Chri- ftians, if once they grow into an over-high efleem of their own Vnderftandings, and Godlinefs, are exceeding apt to faffen with confidence upon their own firfi un- digefted notions, and publifh them as Pavingtruths,when after twenty years experience they willbe afhamed of them themfelves : And they are as apt to defire to be made con#'icnous for their Godlinefs in the world,and to that end to feparate from ordinary Chriftiarts as below them and unworthy of their Communion ; As among the Papifts, theReligious mufffeparate themfelves from others, into Religious honfes and focieties, which are accounted holier than the reft. Thefe Seas have ever been theneft of errours ; and divifions have Rill tended (a)Rorrt.Y6.t6,t7,r$.I,lph.4.r5,i6..Eph. ¢. 14..(b) i Pet. i Sa4 to