6 'eta pool ° ano fam.íip hook. foundation (or obligation) of, God flandeth five , having thisfeat ;The Lord knoweth, them that are his ; and, Let every one that nameth the name ofÇhrifß depart from iniquity : God knoweth whom he will convert and fave from eternity ; But when men Believe inChrifi and Departfrominiquity, then they have his Peal of EleFlion on them, and by it they may know themfelves that theyarehis. S. I cannot deny what youfay,for it if plain. P. I pray you tell me further ., Have you not read or heard, that one fort are called in Scripture the Children of God, and Paid to (i) have his Nature , and his Image ?and therefore are faid tobe Regenerated and born again, and Born of God, and begotten by incorruptiblefeed to a lively Hope, and a never fading Crown in Heaven, and are made Holy as he is Holy t And the other fort are called (k) the Children of the ['evil, and faid to be of him, and to be ruled as Captives by him, and to do his works and will ? And dare you think that God and the Devil are fo like, as that their Image, and Nature, and Works, and Children, cannot be known one from another ? S. ,darenot thinkfo. forbid. P. And have you not heard in Scripture abun- .dance of particular Marks laid down, by which we may know whether we are the Children of God ? And can you think that they are all laid down in vain? S. No ; noneofthe wordofGod is in vain. P. And doyou not hear exprefly that by thefe marks (i)2 Pet.I.4.I Pet.I.ÿ,,15,IÓ,I. (ÌZ)Yoh.8. 4*iO ° .. , 2 risr .2.25,26.I Job. 3,8,9,ICmf11, 13.10. Ft'