2 2 2 'bite .Joov nano far/10Zook. to fub-divifions, and all to the ruineof Love, Peace and Godlinefs,aind confequently of the Church. So that the Generality ofDivines and Godly people, whom you plainly perceive to avoid both thefeextreams, and to live in concord among themfelves, in a felf- -de- nying, fober, holy life, neither feeking worldly honours and preferments, nor running from concord into (c) proud felfopinionated leas, are they whom you may heft truft with the refolurion of your doubts, and the conduf of your foul, fo far as Minifters muft be trufted. For r. God is not fo likely to guide by his fpirit, falfe-hearted lordly hypocrites, (d) whole God is their Bellyand Mammon, as the humble, holy, faithful Pa- ftors ofhis Churches. And Chrift himfelf bath given you this dìrec`}ion,Mar. 7. By their fruits ye(hall know them. For though a Bad man may be in the right, and aGood man in the wrong ; yet if in a pratical cont,'o- verfie you fee the generality of bad mengo one way, and the generality ofgoodmen go theother way, . the far greater probability of truth is on thegood mens fide. 2. But yet it is not fo likely that God thould reveal his mind, to a few Good men, and thofe of the rawer injudiciousfort, and fuch as are molt infe1ed with proud over-valuing their own wifdom andGodlinefs, and fuch ashave had leaft time and fitudy and means to come to -great underftanding, and fuch as thew themfelves the proudefi cenfu.rers of others, and leaft tender of the Churches Peace and Concord, and filch as are apteft to (c) r Tim. 3.6.4c . 20.30. (d) Phil.3, i 8, 19. Tit. 1.9,ío. break