SigPoo? :+ anzfamill) 156ok. 2 2 3 break all to pieces among themfelves I fay, It is not fo likely that thefeare in the right, as the main body of agreeing, humble, godly, peaceable, fttsdiow Minifiers, who havehad longer time and better means to know the truth : And the body of Chriftians,even the Church, bath more promifes from Chrift, than particular di- vidingperlons have. VIII. The Light and Law of Nature is the Primi- tive Original Light and Law of God: Therefore re- ceive nothing from any Teachers which is certainly againft it. IX. Pray earneftly to God to preferve you from erro ç: And when confcience and experience tell you that any opinion or party would lead you to plain fin, (au-ó difhonour your fuperiours, to favour perfecution or idolatry, to divide Chriftians and fet them againft 'each other,to deftroy ChriftianLove,to favour look and tlefhlyliving, to negle t Gods ordinances, or the like) be fore fo far it mull needs be falfe. X. *Wait fill as a doubting Learner, where you cannotyet reach to a DivineBelief. Ifyou underftand but thefe two lines, it will help you to efcapeall the cheats of thePapifts, and thechief per- plexities ofmind, which all our Sects would draw you into. I. Remember that the Chriftian faithand Religion u: ofGod r And ifyou believe the fame Articles meerly upon the word of men (whether few or many) it is not formally truefaith and Religion in you ; becaufe it is humane only, and not Divine. If you Believe the Prieft onlyor the Church that there is a refarre Pion of